Mahara ePortfolio Experience Survey

Mahara ePortfolio Experience Survey

by Flora Bentley -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

As a valued member of the Fiji National University (FNU) community, we would like to invite you to participate in a survey that will help us improve the delivery of our ePortfolio assessment.

The purpose of this survey is to gather your thoughts on the Mahara ePortfolio assessment tool that was integrated in some of the FNU courses in recent years.

We are keen to explore your experience with the navigational aspects, accessibility, and overall user experience. Your feedback will be valuable in identifying and improving the gaps in the ePortfolio assessment tool and ultimately, enhance your learning experience.

It will also provide the Centre for Flexible and E-Learning insight for building an improved roadmap for the FNU ePortfolio.

We appreciate your time in completing the survey which can be  accessed through the link below:

All responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. We look forward to your participation!

*Note: Please attempt the survey only if you had Mahara ePortfolio integrated in your course(s) in the past semesters.


(The Centre for Flexible & E-Learning - Office of the PVC L&T))