Fees Deadlines & Payment Options Information

Fees Deadlines & Payment Options Information

by Flora Bentley -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

Please refer to the payment of fees deadline below.

Quarter 2 (with payment plan arrangement) 11/08/2023
Semester 2 (with payment plan arrangement) 11/08/2023
Short course (payment plan not applicable) Upfront payment


Financial Holds

Students with outstanding fees and no payment plan 08/09/2023



  • Financial holds will be lifted upon payment of full fees.
  • Students can pay their fees via Mpaisa/My Cash/ Internet banking/ Direct deposit in any BSP bank by electronic transfer/ using the deposit slip available in the banks.

Account name: Fiji National University

Account Number: 7403683

Mandatory Narration: Student ID or Invoice Number


For further queries, email: RevenueQueries@fnu.ac.fj 

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