Managing Homesickness

Managing Homesickness

by Alena Meo -
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For many FNU students, the academic year means living away from home for the first time, either in hostels or rented flats. This is the start of a whole new experience, which can be both exciting and a daunting one.


Our home, family and friends give us a sense of security and stability. They are support systems. The symptoms of homesickness therefore are associated with a yearning for what is familiar– family and friends, places, and routines.


Feeling homesick is common and may involve the following:

         Feeling alone and lonely,

         Feeling you do not belong,

         Constant thoughts about home,

         Withdrawal and isolation, and

         Anxiety, stress, irritability, and inability to concentrate.



** Acknowledge you may be feeling homesick.

Others may also feel like you.

** You are allowed to feel sad.

Adjusting to the new environment takes time.

** Keep in contact with people back home.

Set dates to go home.

** Getting involved in university campus life activities to gain a sense of belonging and meet people.

** Talk to your FNU Counsellors for support.





** Click here to download the flyer.

[Office of the Registrar - Department of Student Support Services]